If you are part of the majority of the
population who is living a rather fast-paced urban life, you might have found
yourself gulping down your meals in order to cope with your busy schedule.
Although the type of food that we eat is something that we should consider as
the number one priority; we should also consider the conditions that we are
currently in as we eat.
No matter how nutritious a certain food item is, it
could still give your body some amount of damage when you are eating it under
stressful surroundings.
Fast eaters should be able to realize just how
much satisfying it is to eat slower for the mind, body, and spirit. Aside from
this, eating food too hastily can also give rise to a variety of health
problems such as heartburn, indigestion, cramping, bloating, overeating, and
weight gain.
are the Benefits of Eating Slowly?
There are so many benefits that you can reap
from actually slowing down the pace of eating your food. Better digestion is
one of its most important benefits. When you are able to chew your food better,
your stomach and intestines will be spared from having to work harder in order
to break the food down. This leads to less digestive upset and better nutrient
When you eat slower, you are also able to
hasten the rate of your metabolism. In this manner, your digestion will be
slowed down, leading to more calories burned. Another way that chewing slowly
can help you with losing those calories is that it will give your stomach ample
time to signal the brain to tell you to stop eating. Normally, it would take 20
minutes for this signal to reach the brain. If you eat slowly, you would not
have indulged yourself with too much food by the time that you are told to stop
Finally, you are able to fully enjoy your food
if you slow down. You will have time to actually see, taste, smell, and
experience the item that you are eating. If you are a food lover, this should
be one benefit that you will find very appealing.
do I Eat Slowly?
There are quite a number of ways for you to
effectively eat slowly. Most importantly, you should breathe. This will be a
great way to calm down so you are more likely to practice slow eating. Take
time to pause from eating at least three times during the entire meal and take
in slow and deep breaths.
Also eat in a relaxed environment. Eating in
front of the computer or the television is not the right way to do. Actually
sit in your dining area and serve your food in the kitchen so you are less
likely to take a second helping. You can also share the meal with other people
and engage in positive and uplifting conversations. Pay attention to every bite
that you take so you are able to experience its flavors. Put your fork down
with every bite to slow your self down.
The use of chopsticks can be a very big help
in making you eat your food slower. This is especially true if you are having a
rather difficult time in using it. If you are not too great with chopsticks,
you can use them as a very fine way to eat and chew slower than the usual.
Resource Box:
Amy C. is a health enthusiast who writes about
the various ways to lose weight. She believes that losing weight is very
feasible with the easiest steps possible. When she is not sharing health tips,
she helps Greyside Group, a maritime
security and executive
protection company, with its office administration and blogging
activities. Stay tuned for more advice on how to lose weight and live a
healthier life.
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